Friday, August 5, 2016

Making a Case for China

China Weekly Chart

It's almost amazing to look at the run up & proceeding crash in major Chinese large cap equities ($FXI) from April 2014 - February 2016.  That is why the price action in the $FXI has my attention again.  There is still tremendous upside potential in the Chinese economy & markets alike.

The FXI looks to have formed a lower high in early June, & has recently regained it's 50 Week Moving Average.  Additionally the 10 Week & 50 Week are about to make a bullish cross.  We have been grinding sideways for a few weeks to diminish the overbought conditions from the recent rise.  If we get a close above $34.84 today, which seems almost like a given, I'll be putting on a full position at the market close.  I will use the 50 Week Moving Average as my stop.  Good luck & God Bless!

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