Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sector Update - Biotechs & Utilties Stand Out

Biotechs Weekly

Biotechs have been taken out to the woodshed ever since July of 2015.  The reasons are numerous from Activist' disagreement (Valeant), overvaluation, & even negative political targeting by both parties.  Regardless, the $XBI looks to be acting healthier & to have formed a bottom on the weekly chart above.  A close above $61 will pique my interest into starting a position. 

Utilities Weekly

Utilities have seen the best sector performance of 2016 with a 19.8% increase.  They have come in some on the weekly chart above & the $XLU is testing it's 10 Week Moving Average.  It has held this line well in its run up in 2016.  I'll be watching closely for a close above $51.25 on Friday to put on a position. 

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